This fall, Meadow Ridge Resort has made some exciting progress into the world of Web 2.0, social networking, and cyberspace.
Meadow Ridge now has a Facebook Profile!
Friend Meadow Ridge and "like" our Meadow Ridge of Door County business/fan page to see our photos, videos and updates and to keep in touch with Meadow Ridge!
We have also started a page for Meadow Ridge Resort Aquatics Center.
Like the Aquatics Center Page by clicking here and hitting the "like" button at the top of the page!
In other Web-related news, Meadow Ridge has just joined Twitter!
See what all of the fuss about, respond to our tweets, and see what others have to say by following MeadowRidgeDC on Twitter!
In addition to these social networks, Meadow Ridge will keep updating this blog with photos, stories and events from the fall and winter!
Stay tuned!